How it all started - The birth of Wheelchair Hero

Everyone is a hero

Why A Wheelchair Game?

It’s fascinating how inspiration strikes unexpectedly. The idea for creating this game stemmed from two unrelated concepts.

  • I’ve always been intrigued by virtual reality; the concept captivates me. However, there haven’t been many successful executions concerning player movement. Simply teleporting using the controller feels unnatural. Then, I stumbled upon a fantastic showcase of a VR kayak game during a PlayStation event. That moment struck me as the perfect example of how virtual reality should be executed: the player sits, and the movement is entirely driven by the vehicle. This sparked the idea of creating a VR wheelchair game.

    kayak vr
    Kayak VR featured in PSVR2 showcase seems like the perfect VR game
  • The second aspect involves acknowledging the needs of the less accessible audience. As a foreigner living in the United States, I’ve noticed the country’s inclusivity, with features like handicapped parking, ramps in stores and vehicles, and activated automatic doors. Nowadays, gaming has increasingly included accessibility features, such as those seen in games like “The Last of Us.” However, while these are commendable, it’s equally important to immerse regular players in the experiences of the underprivileged. Rarely do we see games depicting protagonists with disabilities.

    The Last of Us: Part 2 brings awareness of another group of audience

Can you see how these two ideas merged into one?

Backstory of Me

Now, for a more cliché backstory: I’ve been playing video games since I was six, despite my parents’ attempts to hide them. While other kids aspired to become firefighters, teachers, or astronauts, I dreamt of becoming a game designer, not fully comprehending what that role entailed at the time. I simply believed that one person could create a game.

Super Mario World
My first video game in memory that I actually finished: Super Mario World

Fortunately, I navigated my career path and eventually became a gaming professional, starting as a technical artist. Now, the prospect of becoming a solo developer has become increasingly realistic. As a step toward that goal, and as a practice project to familiarize myself with the latest game engine—Unreal—I embarked on creating this game that serves a greater purpose.

Today, I’m excited to announce that this game embodies my passion for gaming. I hope it draws from my own experiences and thoughts to create a positive impact. My aim is not only to educate but also to entertain and inspire. This is my story, and I invite you to follow my social media for updates on the development process.